Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Migrating north

Winter is withdrawing it's hold on our land and spring is taking it's place.
Only a few snow patches are left here and there.
I've been enjoying the change this year.
This means that each day we notice that more and more birds are back from their winter in the south. We've seen the first robin the day before a snow storm last week. I wonder how do they stay warm if their nests aren't ready yet?
The Canada geese are also flying overhead and might stop overnight but they continue on the next day.
We've also seen one heron that will make it's home in a marsh close by.
But today, it was Frankie the llama that had a special visitor.
A sand crane landed in his pasture.
It's a little difficult to see but it's on Frankie's right hand side.
Our guess is the poor bird was exhausted from a long flight and just landed somewhere and decided to stay put for a rest.

Even with this huge thing following it around, the crane stayed and rested.
Frankie got so close one time, he actually got a chance to sniff this peculiar visitor.
The crane stayed less than an hour and then took off.
I've dyed the last bit of the Romney fleece I had purchased last year.

I plan on using some of it on some felting projects...more on this in another post!
I glanced out the window earlier this week to see Alicia and Tenellie snuggled together, side by side.
I thought this was a good time to stop being busy and just feel the beauty of such a simple sight.
It made me feel warm inside to see mom and son snuggled tight together just feeling the morning breeze and enjoying a quiet moment together.

To me, there is something very zen about this picture.
I will come back to it when I need to slow down my heartrate and remember to breathe.
I wish you quiet moments in your very busy day!