Monday, June 13, 2011

FO: Wisp scarf

I love scarves and wear them at least three seasons of the year. The weight of the scarf will depend on how cold it is outside and how long I will be out.
The first time I made the Wisp scarf pattern was with a colourful lace yarn I had purchase while visiting our daughter in Calgary.

The muliple colours in this scarf allows me to wear it with so many jackets. Because it's so light, it can easily be worn till fall, winter and spring.

Pattern: Wisp (free on Very easy lace pattern.
Needles: 5mm
Yarn: Schoppel-Wolle Crazy Zauberball

A week ago, I completed a second Wisp scarf just in time for my mother's birthday.

Good thing I took a few pics while blocking the scarf because I never got around to it after I gave it to her. Love my blocking wires from Knit Picks. I use them for most of my blocking.

Pattern: Wisp
Needles: 5mm
Yarn: Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud

Puppy news:

She's now 9 days old! She can be seen here at 2 days old. As the only pup, she has no competition for food and can drink all she wants, whenever she wants...her little belly is solid like a rock!
Her eyes an ears are still not opened...this will probably happen this week.
(The stuffed toy will be used to compare her growth from week to week.)


  1. Beautiful scarves. Oh, that puppy is just so cute...and just a bit pudgy.

  2. AWSOME scarf!!! Thank you for sharing your pics and where you got the pattern... I love the pup too! :-)
