Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I've been felting.
I've been making soap.
I've been reading and learning.
I've been dyeing.
I'm happy!
I feel very grateful for this time in my life. I've been allowing my creative side to take over and to guide me along. It's wonderful!
I've been playing with fibre and felting more scarves. I'm improving on my technique...still learning.
I'm quite happy with this black one.
It's Coco cria fleece, so it's very soft. I added a blue mohair blend bouclé yarn.

Another cobweb felted alpaca scarf in pink . Very light and airy. 
Both sides are different.
But I've especially enjoyed making these 'socks' over glass vases. Some have embellishements some do not.
They can be used for flowers or you could use them with a tea light candle for a lovely effect.
Square vases as well.
I even decided to use one of them for my birthday flowers that I got myself yesterday!!
The family came over with food, cake and surprises for this old gal. I had a wonderful day!


  1. Happy belated birthday! Love, love, love those scarves and "socks". I have lots of ugly glass things that could use the embellishment. Now to figure out how you did that....

  2. Happy Birthday!!! I love all your felt work Those "socks" over the vases are really cool!
