Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Well, this year, Mother's day plans were cancelled, undone and quickly reorganized.
You see, this little guy decided today was the best day to be born...and why not, it is called mother's day for a reason. 
His entry into the world was fast and furious but oh, so welcomed.
And to make this even more fabulous,
his dad was also born on a Mother's day, 29 years cool is that!!

Our daughter and baby are doing very well and this grandma just can't sleep, she's too excited!!!

Tomorrow, we will meet him and introduce him to his big sister.
Best Mother's Day ever!


  1. He's beautiful! And in a handknit cap, no less! You are right, how can this not be the most perfect Mother's Day for you.
    Congratulations to your whole family.

  2. OMGosh!!!! That is one beautiful baby. Congratulations to all. Can't wait to see and hear more about him.

  3. Awww....what a little cutie!!
