Saturday, June 9, 2012


A beautiful solid brown or black cria born to Cassa Blanca (white mom on the left).
Born on June mother's birthday!
Carmella weighs a whooping 20 lbs 3 ounces!

My mother's name is Carmen, so I wanted to name this little one with something Carmella was the perfect choice.
Hubby will be so surprised when he comes home from his fishing trip!!!
Fernando is quite happy to follow her everywhere...finally someone to play with!
Fernando is  now 2 weeks old. Story of his birth here.

Now that I own a spinning wheel, I've decided to join a team on the Tour de Fleece on Ravelry this year. This coincides with the Tour de France, between June 30th and July 22nd. When they cycle, we spin.
I hope this will help getting my spinning mojo back. I've been ignoring my wheel for a few weeks now.
From hand dyed Romney fleece... I watched Carmella by the window last night, I hand carded rolags...

 Rolags and batts are ready to be spun.
Have a great saturday!


  1. I love the pic of Mom and babies...oh what a gorgerous card that would be...and the colours of your yarn is amazing. Happy spinning! ♥Debi

    1. Beautiful babies! I love cria (obviously!). Good job carding - I've never really got the hang of carding with hand carders.
